Hillside Primary School is committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all its pupils and recognises this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent school attendance for all. This is based on the belief that only by attending school regularly and punctually will children and young people be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. High attainment depends on good attendance.
Research commissioned by the Department for Education shows missing school for even a day can mean a child is
less likely to achieve good grades, which can have a damaging effect on their life chances. At Hillside our aim is to
work with parents to ensure that all our pupils receive the most from their education and reach their full potential.
If children do not attend school regularly they may struggle to keep up with school work and struggle to catch up. They may also miss out on the social side of school life.
What does your child’s percentage attendance mean?
Reporting an absence
If your child is unable to attend school you must contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, preferably before 8.40am. You can contact us via email (office@hillside.norfolk.sch.uk) or call the office on 01493 661399 and leave a message. Please make sure you state your child’s name, class and the reason for absence.